Northrepps Aero Club Membership 2024.
A membership Application Form can be obtained by emailing 'club @'
Northrepps Aero Club Membership entitles you as Pilot(P1) to Free Landings for the whole year and use of Club facilities. You'll also be part of a growing social group who thrive on flying. Once you have the Application form, fill in your details and send it with your fee (or cash if you visit) or pay by credit/debit card via PayPal from the links at bottom of Club page which you'll be given access to on acceptance.
As a Flyer Member based at another airfield you can join Northrepps Aero Club for £60 per year. This is great value if you visit the field regularly.
All student Pilots must be members of the club on starting instruction and are also required to read and agree to comply with and abide by the Airfield Standing Orders.
You can also join as a 'Social' member. You're then invited to all the events, just as the pilots are and as a regular visitor to the airfield and a Club Member, can take up offers of flights from other members. Social Membership is £30 per year.
All memberships run from 1st January to 31st December.