Flight Training for NPPL Microlight
Learn to Fly with Northrepps Aero Club
Train & gain YOUR licence in the wide open skies of North Norfolk from one of the best grass airfields in the country.
Try a Microlight flight for a truly exhilarating and unique experience. Phone us and we can arrange your flight. We fly all year round so that you can experience the fantastic Norfolk scenery whether it's covered in snow or basking in sunshine. Our Aircraft
Have a look at this link to the B.M.A.A (British Microlight Aircraft Association) to find out about training for YOUR Pilots Licence
We use a P & M Aviation Quik GT450 Explorer for weightshift training and Air Experience Flights. The GT450 is a renowned and well proven aircraft.
The C42 is used fr 3-axis training. Its a great basic trainer for Microlights.
If you have always dreamt of piloting your own aircraft, Northrepps Aero Club can take you through the complete NPPL (National Private Pilots License) course.
Weightshift and 3-Axis training available
or phone: